Cheers Finance Partners with FRY: Decentralized NFT Ticketing’s Potential to Upend the Giants of the Entertainment Industry

3 min readSep 17, 2023


The recent announcement of Financial Revolution Yields’ partnership with Cheers Finance marks a pivotal moment in the blockchain and entertainment industries. With the intention to roll out a groundbreaking decentralized and customizable NFT ticketing app by the close of 2023, this collaboration stands to revolutionize the event ticketing landscape.

Live Nation Entertainment, a major powerhouse, has maintained its dominance in the market for years with an impressive market cap of over $19 billion currently. Their acquisition of Ticketmaster in 2010 further solidified their grasp on the industry. The alliance now controls over 80% of the primary ticketing market, a fact that has long raised eyebrows and antitrust concerns.

It’s worth reflecting upon a 2020 Forbes article highlighting the troublesome aspects of this union. With an almost singular authority over ticket distribution for major events, issues such as surging ticket prices, hidden fees, and unbridled market control have left many fans and artists yearning for alternative solutions. And it’s not just a perception: a Statista report from 2019 demonstrated that Ticketmaster’s “service fees” can sometimes account for over 25% of a ticket’s face value. In many cases, the fees are much higher.

Enter Decentralized Finance (DeFi) & the NFT Revolution

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, offer a unique solution to many of the problems posed by traditional ticketing. By their very nature, NFTs are digital, decentralized, and distinguishable. This means each ticket, as an NFT, is verifiably scarce and cannot be duplicated. For event-goers, this technology virtually eliminates the issues of counterfeit tickets. Furthermore, by utilizing blockchain technology, the history of each ticket can be traced, ensuring legitimacy and potentially allowing users to view previous attendees or events related to the ticket.

But it’s not just about authenticity. The true allure of NFT-based ticketing lies in its customizable and decentralized nature. Traditional ticketing offers little in the way of personalization, often leaving fans with a one-size-fits-all experience. The forthcoming app from FRY and Cheers Finance intends to harness the power of NFTs to allow attendees to customize their event experience. Imagine a world where your concert ticket includes personalized merchandise, exclusive content, or even meet-and-greet opportunities, all verified and facilitated via the blockchain.

The potential benefits are not just for the fans. Event organizers, artists, and venues can harness the power of DeFi and NFTs to sidestep traditional ticketing giants, offering tickets directly to fans without the need for middlemen. This has vast implications for profit margins, fan engagement, and the overall experience of both attending and organizing events.

By breaking the stronghold that companies like Live Nation Entertainment have on the market, decentralized ticketing platforms can introduce a more equitable, transparent, and engaging model of event attendance. No longer would consumers need to acquiesce to inflated fees and subpar purchasing experiences. Decentralization redistributes the power back to the fans and artists, catalyzing a more authentic and enriching entertainment ecosystem.


As we approach the end of 2023, all eyes are on the ambitious project birthed from the union of Financial Revolution Yields ($FRY) and Cheers Finance. If successful, their decentralized NFT ticketing marketplace might just usher in a new era for the entertainment industry. An era where giants are no longer the gatekeepers, and fans and artists share control over their experiences.

The partnership embodies the core essence of what DeFi promises — democratizing industries, distributing power, and delivering better solutions for everyone involved. If there’s any indication from the growing discontent with monopolies like Live Nation Entertainment, the world is ready for a change. And with the decentralized prowess of FRY and Cheers Finance, that change might be closer than we think.

Website & Social Links

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