627EEA Community Update: A New Dawn Beckons

3 min readAug 31, 2023


With the dawn of a new day, the 627EEA community breathes a collective sigh of relief as their new official account receives the coveted verification badge. A symbol of resilience, this development marks a significant step forward for the project, yet the founder’s cautionary words echo the uncertainty that lingers until the ongoing investigation reaches its conclusion.

In this atmosphere of cautious optimism, the founder underscores the impermanence of the current state. However, the decision to operate from this verified account, at least as an interim measure, is deemed worthy in the pursuit of maintaining a connection with the community throughout the investigation period.

Amidst the backdrop of these updates, the project’s vision remains steadfast. The roadmap unveiled yesterday remains unchanged, delineating a path that promises multiple evolution options, each designed to uphold the project’s ethos and propel it towards its objectives.

A Badge of Unity & Clarification

The eagerly awaited badge, a symbol of affiliation and unity, occupies the thoughts of the community. The founder addresses the subject head-on, clarifying the project’s stance on the matter. The sale of affiliate badges is unequivocally deemed a violation of the terms of service (TOS) set forth by X. The project distances itself from any assertion that such badges can be purchased with monetary transactions.

However, innovation finds a way. The community is enlightened about an alternative route — through the purchase of a square and its subsequent staking, individuals can establish themselves as ‘employees’ of the organization. This innovative approach skirts the TOS violations and serves to knit the community even tighter.

Navigating the Path of Compliance

Amidst the zeal to foster unity and engagement, the project treads carefully in the realm of compliance. With an emphasis on organic interactions and growth, the community is educated about the importance of adhering to the terms set by X. Follow-for-follow and retweet-for-retweet dynamics, while encouraged among members, are not to be utilized as strategies for engagement with the project’s official account.

A Glimpse into the Future

The canvas is painted with both triumph and challenges, but at its heart lies the unwavering dedication of the founder. The journey’s adversity only strengthens the belief that success is achievable, be it with or without badges. Yet, the symbolic significance of these badges cannot be denied. They stand as a bridge connecting the community, rekindling a sense of camaraderie that transcends the digital realm.

As the week unfolds, the 627EEA community braces itself for more clarity. The founder’s commitment remains resolute, as they assure the community of their constant presence and readiness to answer queries. A voice note and a Twitter Spaces session serve as testament to their transparency and earnestness.

In the face of uncertainty, the 627EEA community finds its anchor in humility, optimism, and the shared hue of purple that unites them all. The future may be shrouded in questions, but the spirit of unity and progress prevails, carrying the community forward on this exciting journey.

Disclaimer: Please conduct your own research before participating in any cryptocurrency project. FRY has no affiliation to the 627EEA / HereIsPurple project.

Note: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Always do your own research and consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

#627EEA Links

Twitter: https://twitter.com/627EEA

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/627eea

Website: https://627eea.io/

$FRY Social Media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TokenFry

Telegram: https://t.me/tokenfry




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